A bad headache can stop you in your tracks.
But you may be able to prevent or manage your headaches if you learn what causes them.
Causes are also called triggers.
Now ... some triggers are out of your control.
But you can be better prepared if you know a headache may be on the way.
So let's start by looking at the triggers you can't control.
Changes in the weather ... high humidity ... and heat can cause headaches for some people.
And in women, hormones during pregnancy or the menstrual cycle can be a trigger.
But here's the good news.
There are a lot of triggers you can control.
Like what you eat or drink.
Chocolate, cured meats, and aged cheese cause headaches for some people.
Alcohol can affect you too.
It might be all alcohol, or just some types, like red wine or beer.
And skipping meals can also bring on a headache.
Changes in routine, such as how much you sleep or exercise, can trigger headaches.
And stress, strong smells, bright lights, and reflected sunlight can be a cause.
And keep in mind that triggers can add up.
So if you know that chocolate and red wine give you headaches, you'll know to avoid them on rainy days if weather is also a trigger for you.
You can find your triggers by keeping track of how you eat and drink and what you do on the days you have headaches.
And once you find them, you can learn how to avoid them.