Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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We combine the diagnostic and therapeutic skills of prominent specialists with ongoing clinical research in a team-based, coordinated effort of patient-driven care.
Conditions we treat at the Movement Center
We have a team of specialists that are ready to guide you through your treatment options.
Get to the root cause of your unexplained symptoms
Providing multifaceted support for patients and families is part of what we do every day.
Our team believes in the value of an integrated approach to care.
Convenient locations across Connecticut in Bridgeport, Torrington, Vernon, Cheshire, Mystic, and Hartford.
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Dr. Leon Meytin, a neurologist at the Chase Family Movement Disorders Center at Hartford HealthCare, talks about Parkinson's Disease, a progressive brain disease, to raise awareness. There are events coming up for patients and families dealing with the disease.
Chase Family Movement Disorders Center, Joy Antonelle de Marcaida, MD, Medical Director, David & Rhoda Chase Family Movement Disorders Center, Hartford Hospital, to discuss reopening of public in-person wellness classes for those with Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders.
Nikita Urval, MD, Neurologist, Hartford HealthCare, discusses essential tremor.
Elena Bortan, MD, Neurologist, Chase Family Movement Disorders Center, discusses essential tremor.
Duarte Machado, MD, Neurologist, Chase Family Movement Disorders Center, discusses essential tremor.
Nikita Urval, MD, Neurologist, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, discusses Parkinson's Awareness Month.
En esta sesión educativa GRATUITA en español ("On Demand") Únete a los cirujanos bariátricos, Dr. Aziz Benbrahim y Dr. Kenneth Schwartz [...]
In this FREE pre-recorded education seminar, join bariatric surgeons, Dr. Mia Shapiro and/or Dr. Raza Shariff to learn about weight loss [...]
En este seminario pregrabacion GRATUITO, únase a la Dra. Mia Shapiro y el Dr. Raza Shariff para obtener más información sobre el proceso [...]