Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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Inspiration from Cambridge Jones, a Hartford HealthCare Administrative Fellow in the East Region
Kristen McCartney on Hartford HealthCare's Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
What #blackhistorymonth means to Dr. Camelia Lawrence Director of Breast Surgery Hartford HealthCare
The Best at Getting Better: Hartford HealthCare’s relentless pursuit of excellence
Migraine treatment while pregnant - Dr. Amy Johnson
Colon Cancer Awareness Month - Dr. Priyanka Chugh
Innovation Ideation lab - Dr. Steven Zweibel
Trigger finger - Dr. Jacob Jabbour
Dementia - Michelle Wyman
Women's Physicians Day - Dr. Ann Palmer
Digestive Health Institute - Dr. Jeffrey Nestler
Importance of sleep- -Dr. Moshe Zutler
Healthy New Year - Christopher Barrett
Connecticut Innovations - Dr. Barry Stein
Lung cancer awareness - Dr Justin Van Backer
Treatment Options for Metastatic Breast Cancer - Patricia DeFusco
Breast cancer surgery advancement - Dr. Heather King
U.S. Pharmacy week & Women's Pharmacist Day
Dystonia Awareness - Dr. Jeffrey Lahrmann
Observing Safe Sleep Guidelines for Infants
Hartford HealthCare Offers Mobile Vaccine Clinics
Understanding Colon Cancer
Expert Discusses the Hartford Hospital Heart Transplant Program
Medical Rounds: Don't Delay Care for Bone and Joint Pain
Facing the Cold Weather
Medical Rounds: Colon Cancer Awareness
Medical Rounds: Patient Experience
Medical Rounds: Back to Work Anxiety Levels Rise
Medical Rounds: Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement
Medical Rounds: Golf Injuries
Medical Rounds: World Breastfeeding Week
Medical Rounds: Long-term Monitoring of Epilepsy
Hartford HealthCare Takes Steps to Improve Mental Health for Nurses
Medical Rounds; 500th Heart Transplant at Hartford Hospital
Medical Rounds: New Technology for Cardiac Procedures
Looking Out for Lung Cancer
Hartford HealthCare Launches Veteran's Day Initiative
First Anniversary of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
Hartford HealthCare's Heart and Vascular Institute Secures Prestigious Award
Medical Rounds: Psoriasis Symptoms and Treatments
Medical Rounds: Aortic Dissection, Signs and When to Seek Treatment
Hartford Hospital's Bliss Expansion Will Open Monday
Medical Rounds: Bliss Expansion at Hartford Hospital
Medical Rounds: Heart Palpitations or Atrial Fibrillation?
Medical Rounds: Varicose Veins Signs and Treatments
Medical Rounds: Fall Prevention Month
Medical Rounds: Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
Medical Rounds: Overdose Awareness
Medical Rounds: Managing Cholesterol
Medical Rounds: Role of a Nurse Midwife
Medical Rounds: Athletes' Hearts and How They Are Different
Medical Rounds: Not One More Campaign
Medical Rounds: Mental Health Care for Young Adults with Chronic Conditions
Medical Rounds: Heart Transplants at Hartford Hospital
Medical Rounds: Women's Wellness Day
Medical Rounds: Stroke Awareness
Medical Rounds: Digestive Health Center
Medical Rounds: Celiac Disease Awareness
Medical Rounds: Vaccine Access In Hartford
Medical Rounds: Living Donor Organ Transplants
Medical Rounds: Epilepsy
Medical Rounds: Importance of Colonoscopies
Medical Rounds: Important To Get Mammograms and Screenings
Medical Rounds: Mammograms and COVID-19 Vaccine
Medical Rounds: COVID-19 Vaccine
Medical Rounds: Don't Delay Care For Prostate Concerns
Medical Rounds: Women's Heart Health
Medical Rounds: Men's Mental Health and the Pandemic
Hartford HealthCare Opens New Health Center In Winsted
Medical Rounds: Mental Health and Wellness
Medical Rounds: Getting a Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment
Medical Rounds: New Technology in Cataract Procedure
Stay Vigilant While Vaccine Distribution Starts
Medical Rounds: Pancreatic Cancer
Holidays Can Be Hard For Families Dealing with Dementia
Advances in Spine Treatment
Daughter remembers father's heart transplant at Hartford Hospital
Medical Rounds: Advances in Heart Transplants
Options for Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
Concerns about Heart Issues and COVID-19
It's National Donor Sabbath Week
Mazor X: The Basics
Hartford HealthCare and Toronto FC
High BMI Can Lead to Serious COVID Symptoms
Obesity Increases Risks for COVID
WFSB Medical Rounds: COVID & Women's Alcohol Consumption
What Is Atrial Fibrillation?
How Student Athletes Can Safely Return to Competition
Keeping College Campuses Safe From Corona
The Connection Between COVID and Headaches
Keeping College Campuses Safe During COVID
State lawmaker in need of kidney donation
Medical Rounds with Jeff Flaks
Medical Rounds: Advice from an Infectious Disease Consultant as Connecticut Reopens
Medical Rounds: COVID-19 - A Look Back at Lessons Learned on Crisis and Innovation
Medical Rounds - Hartford HealthCare Begins Lifting Some COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions
Medical Rounds: COVID-19 discussion with William Horgan, MD
Medical Rounds: Coronavirus
Less invasive treatment for female urinary incontinence
Medical Rounds: Smallest Pacemaker
New partnership announcement
New technology to help people with heart disease
Less invasive treatment for hemorrhagic stroke
Colonoscopies are easier than you think!
Time for a Colonoscopy?
Advances in the treatment of Spinal Tumors
Hartford HealthCare pays tribute to Denise D'Ascenzo
Cooled Radiofrequency for Pain
What is a medicare advantage plan?
How safe is surgical weight loss?
How does genetic testing work for breast cancer patients?
Medical Rounds: Cancer in Older Adults
Become an EMT or paramedic at CESI
What a urologist wants men to know when deciding if they should go to the doctor
What are your options when it comes to back pain?
Back to school sports and concussions, what parents need to know
Pelvic Pain in Women- when to ask for help?
Medical Rounds- What is Sports Neurology?
Over 60? Have you ever thought about weight training?
Medical Rounds-Hartford HealthCare and Trinity College
Medical Rounds live from the Travelers Championship
Medical Rounds: Trauma Injury Prevention
Medical Rounds -Men's Health with Dr. Ryan Dorin
Laurie St. John – Ch. 3 – Nurses Week
Dr. Bejon Maneckshana – Ch. 3 – Living Kidney Donation
Medical Rounds - Dr. Hagberg talks about 1000th TAVR
Medical Rounds : Role Men Play in Family Planning
Medical Rounds with Bette Blankenship
Medical Rounds with Dr. Carl Moeller
Medical Rounds with Dr. Spencer Erman
Medical Rounds with Dr. Howard Haronian
Medical Rounds with Dr. Abhishek Jaiswal
Medical Rounds with Dr. J. Craig Allen
Medical Rounds with Dr. Thomas Farquhar
Medical Rounds with Dr. Maria Tsarouhas
Medical Rounds with Patricia Graham, LCSW
Medical Rounds with Dr. Andrew Salner
Medical Rounds with Dr. Devika Umashaker
Medical Rounds with Dr. Erica Schuyler
Medical Rounds with Dr. Jared Bieniek
Medical Rounds with Dr. Dina Darsaklis
Medical Rounds with Dr. Brian Wong
Medical Rounds with Dr. Michael LeMay
Breast Reconstruction
Medical Rounds with Nancy Becker
Facebook Live: Ask the Expert with Nancy Becker
Medical Rounds with Dr. Peter Yu
Medical Rounds with Dr. Heather King
Medical Rounds with Dr. Wylie Hosmer
Medical Rounds with Dr. Nicholas Bontempo
Medical Rounds with Dr. Joseph Wagner
Medical Rounds with Dr. Laura Saunders
Medical Rounds with Dr. David Monti
Medical Rounds with Dr. Mark Alberts
Facebook LIVE: Ask the Expert with Dr. Mark Alberts
Medical Rounds with Jamie Tyska
Facebook Live with Dr. Subramani Seetharama
Medical Rounds with Dr. Subramani Seetharama
Medical Rounds with Dr. Steven Zweibel
Medical Rounds with Dr. David Chaletsky
Medical Rounds with Dr. Ricardo Taboada
Medical Rounds with Dr. Godfrey Pearlson
Medical Rounds with Patricia Rehmer
Medical Rounds with Dr. Camelia Lawrence
Medical Rounds with Dr. Francis Kiernan
Medical Rounds with Dr. Stuart Kesler
Medical Rounds with Dr. Abigail Chua
Medical Rounds with Dr. Omar Eton
Medical Rounds: Dr. Mark Alberts
Ocular Melanoma
Medical Rounds Nurses Week 2018
Sports-related Injuries
What is ataxia?
Back Pain
Medical Rounds with Dr. Stefan Kachala
Medical Rounds with Dr. Abigail Chua, Neurologist/Headache Expert
Medical Rounds: Enhancing Sports Performance
Medical Rounds: Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Helping People with Huntington's Disease
Navigating Your Sports Health
Sleep apnea
New Hope for Patients with Parkinson's, Essential Tremors
Year One: Bone & Joint Institute
Medical Rounds with Weight Loss Surgeon Dr. Darren Tishler
Medical Rounds: Hands-only CPR
Good Life Fitness
Care at the Right Time, Right Place for all Patients
Treating Chronic Pain
Aging in Place: Helping Older Adults Stay Home
Protecting Your Student Athlete
Treating Stroke Patients
Eating Right During The Holiday
Managing Type 1 Diabetes
Restoring Sight with a Beam of Light
Movember is Here!
Deep Brain Stimulation to Treat Parkinson's
Crohn's Disease
What's a hernia?
Facebook Live: Ask the Expert with Dr. Chike Chukwumah
The Fight Against Prostate Cancer
Preventing Suicide
Celebrate Life!
Aortic aneurysm treatment trial
Baby Boomers: Beware of Hepatitis C
Immunotherapy and Melanoma
The World's Smallest Pacemaker
Leaky Heart Valve? Repair IS Possible - And Preferred!
New treatments for atrial fibrillation
Headache Center Opens in West Hartford
To compress or not to compress?
Preventing Golf Injury
Lymphedema: The Basics
Hartford HealthCare's CESI Doubles in Size
Gender Revolution
Prostate Cancer: The Basics
Behind the Scenes at Hartford HealthCare-GoHealth
Medical Rounds with Dr. Stephen Davis
Sight, light and new technology!
Digestive Health: The Basics
The Meaning of "Next To Normal"
Kidney Cancer: The Basics
Hearing Loss: The Basics
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Essential Tremors: The Basics
What is a heart attack?
Center for Musculoskeletal Health
Glaucoma: The Basics
Meet Dr. Mark Alberts!
Hoarding study at IOL
Mental Health: Stigma v. discrimination
Minimally invasive cancer surgeries
Looking to lose weight?
Chronic Pain Treatment
Older parents and the holidays
New Migraine Research
Understanding Digestive Disorders
Living Kidney Donations
Healthy Thanksgiving Choices
Medical Rounds Thompson Athletes Cardiac 03302016
Diabetes and exercise
Breast Cancer Clinical Trials
Scrambling nerve pain
The marathon is coming
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Memories and More: Defining dementia
Mitral Valve Disease: The Basics
The basics on Type II diabetes
What is a Level I Trauma Center?
New treatments for Parkinson's disease
Cataracts: The Basics
Laughing gas for labor
Leading-edge laser cataract surgery!
Breastfeeding Awareness
Urgent Care or ED?
Summer exercise
Meet Dr. Peter Yu
V-Bloc: Innovative weight loss approach
Bone & Joint Institute
Nerve Pain
Facing male infertility
Aging spine, painful spine...
Nurses Week 2016
Skin cancer: The Basics
New sleep apnea treatment!
End-of-life conversations
The Hearts of Young Athletes
ZERO Prostate comes to CT April 10
Sleeping and sleep medications
040115 WFSB Medical Rounds
090315 WFSB Medical Rounds Suicide Awareness
Study looks at female incontinence
Cold and Flu prevention tips
072215 WFSB Medical Rounds Lasers for Pain
Heart Disease & A-Fib
060315 WFSB Medical Rounds Baker Cancer Research
041714 WFSB Kuwada Cancer Screenings
110713 WFSB Med Rounds Schuyler
080614 WFSB Medical Rounds Breastfeeding Month
050214 WFSB Medical Rounds Johnson Arbor
060214 WFSB Aidan Flynn Medical Rounds
The seizures that accompany epilepsy
082714 WFSB Medical Rounds Seetharama Sports and Concussions
080615 WFSB Medical Rounds World Breastfeeding Week
050615 WFSB Medical Rounds Stroke
Treatment for peri partum depression
New treatment for the pain of shingles
New migraine treatment
100814 WFSB Medical Rounds Karen Weingrod
051415 WFSB Medical Rounds Monti
Women's Heart Health
062714 WFSB Medical Rounds Wagner
072915 WFSB Medical Rounds Life Star Blood on Board
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance
090214 WFSB Moeller Sleep Apnea
110613 WFSB Heather King Medical Rounds
061214 WFSB Kurtakoti Medical Rounds
Suicide Prevention Awareness Week 2014
073114 WFSB Medical Rounds Taboada
Hartford Hospital labor & delivery digital upgrade
081215 WFSB Medical Rounds Lung Cancer Awareness
Pavlos Papasavas, MD talks about V Block on WFSB
091114 WFSB Medical Rounds Burke Back Pain
Showing 1 - 1 of 1